In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, PayPal is required to confirm your identity through documentation collection to prevent identity theft, money laundering, and the financing of terrorism. Until PayPal has confirmed your identity, you can't receive any payments. Please upload required documents to help us confirm your identity.
After we receive and approve your documents, we'll send a PIN to your home address. You'll go to the Identity Confirmation Dashboard on the PayPal website and enter the PIN to verify your address.
Please follow the steps below to start your confirmation process.
必要書類の確認、承認後、あなたの自宅の住所に個人識別番号(PIN)を郵送いたします。PayPal上の個人情報確認ダッシュボード(Identity Confirmation Dashboard)に行き、あなたの住所を照合する為、個人認識番号(PIN)を入力ください。