また どのような条件ですと さらに割引が可能でしょうか?今後の相互に有益な息の長いお付き合いを御願いいたしたいと思います。良い返事お待ちしております。 (このように付け加え、又は全文変更も可能です。アドバイスあればお願い致します。相手はドイツの企業です。)
Thank you for all of your help. I plan on continuing to order between 2000€ and 3000€ per month. If possible, could you discount the price by 10%?
Are there any other conditions that would enable a discount? I hope we can continue to have a relationship that is fruitful for both of us. I anxiously await your reply. (If you have any suggestions I would be willing to add to or even entirely change this message, so please let me know. I am sending this to a German company.)