1. 個人情報の適切な保護と管理者
2. 個人情報の収集目的
1. Proper care and safeguarding of personal data
Our company employs the following person to protect personal data. Personal data from customers will be safely managed and protected from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and disclosure.
2. The reason we gather personal data
In order to provide the best service to our customers and display relevant information to customers on our website, we collect personal data from our customers. Storing email addresses and various communications with customers enables us to provide information when needed.
3. 個人情報の第三者への提供または預託
(1)統計的情報を提供する目的で、個々の個人情報を集積しまたは分析し、 個人の識別や特定ができない形式に加工して、その統計データを、開示する場合
And to get in touch with customers or reply some offers, we will use it legally in range of the execution of our business.
3. To offer or deposit the personal information to a third party.
In the following cases, we may offer or deposit the personal information to a third party.
(1) When we gather or analyze the individual information, make its form unidentifiable, and reveal the statistical data for the sake of offering the statistical information.
(2) When we are demanded to reveal it by a law, a court or any other governmental organization legally.
(3) When we get your agreement for some other particular purposes.