Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Climb from the road along Saint Catherine See the sunrise at the top of Moun...

Original Texts
Saint Catherine沿いの道より登頂をはじめる
Mount sinai山頂にて日の出をみる
"arnon valley jordan"を北上
途中”Black Iris”(花)を見学
"St George's Church"近くにて昼食
”Mount Nebo”山頂から"Gilead"、"The Jordan River basin"など眺望
"Royal Road"をとおりイスラエルへ
Translated by guanxiaohua2k12
Climb from the road along Saint Catherine
See the sunrise at the top of Mount sinai
Have lunch at Catherine
Have lunch at a museum in the ruins
Vast valley of Moab
Go north of "arnon valley jordan"
See "Black Iris" (flower) during the tour
Have lunch near "St George's Church"
See "Gilead", "The Jordan River basin" and so on from the top of mountain "Mount Nebo"
Go to Israel along "Royal Road"
Immigrate via bridge

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
guanxiaohua2k12 guanxiaohua2k12