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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Indonesia has the Biggest IT Spending in Southeast Asia without Maximal Utili...

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Indonesia has the Biggest IT Spending in Southeast Asia without Maximal Utilization

Indonesia spends the biggest amount in Information Technology (IT) all over Southeast Asia. In 2011, Singapore placed second in the list. But International Data Corporation’s predicts that Singapore’s IT spending in 2012 will be below Thailand.

Indonesia’s IT spending reaches USD10.9 billion in 2011. This year, the number is predicted to increase 18.3% to USD12.9 billion. Said number consists of 11.5 billion for purchasing hardware, 759 million for service and 522 million for purchasing software. With that amount, Indonesian IT budget places 19 of the biggest IT budget all over the world. The number actually is still able to increase with the many software hijacking in Indonesia. According to another IDC’s report as written by Kompas Tekno, the loss of software piracy in Indonesia reaches USD1.46 billion. Roughly, it can be summarized that if those pirated software gets paid, Indonesia will spend 4 times of the current cost for software.

Unfortunately, as reported by The Jakarta Post, the benefit of the huge budget spent for IT is not spread evenly all over Indonesia. Indonesia’s IT development is still focusing in Jakarta and its surrounding areas. Indonesia’s IT penetration is low compared to the other countries. The development of technology in Indonesia is also mentioned to have not reach the traditional field that supposedly able to grow with IT such as farm. According to IDC researcher, Indonesian government hasn’t prioritized in the IT development which investment will only benefit in the long term. Indonesian government still prioritizes on the field that gives big benefit in short term such as mining.
Translated by zhizi

東南アジアで情報技術(IT)に最も多くのお金を費やしている国はインドネシアだ。2011年、シンガポールはそのリストの2位だったが、2012年のランキングではシンガポールはタイを下回るとInternational Data Corporationは予測している。

インドネシアではソフトウェアの海賊版が多く出回っているので、実際のところ、同国のIT支出額はもっと多いかもしれない。Kompas Tekno氏が書いたIDCの別のレポートによると、インドネシアのソフトウェア海賊版による損失は14億6000万米ドルにも及ぶそうだ。大まかに言うと、もしそれらの海賊版にお金を支払うとすると、インドネシアがソフトウェアに費やす金額は現在の4倍にもなるだろう。

残念ながら、The Jakarta Postが伝えたとおり、IT部門への投資メリットがインドネシア全体へ均等に広まっているわけではない。インドネシアのIT開発は依然としてジャカルタとその周辺の集中している。同国のIT普及率もその他の国々と比べて低い。

Result of Translation in Conyac

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Translation Language
English → Japanese
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Translation Time
2 days
zhizi zhizi