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[Translation from Japanese to English ] If the students now in IIT were born in Japan, they might not think of goin...

Original Texts
Translated by chipange
For young people in India, it is absolutely normal for them to go abroad if the environment abroad is better than in India.
This theory fits perfectly to why young people in Japan don't go abroad (or allegedly).
"if you go abroad, you can not communicate with people freely. Environment will become worse than now."  Nobody won't want to go abroad if they face such situation. That's understandable why few people want to go abroad.
"burnout syndrome"
How young people think may depend on environment in which they are currently.
There is no difference between Japanese and Indian on this point.
Translated by davis_teruo911
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 5 hours
chipange chipange
davis_teruo911 davis_teruo911
Hello! I'm a professional translator working in Japan. I graduated Michigan S...