Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] It was my first time to talk to someone from within 20km from the reactors, a...

Original Texts
原発から20キロ圏内の住人の方に話しを聞くのは初めてだったそれは私の想像を超えたものだった。南側に住む多くの人は「避難をすれば?」と言う考えを改めて考えさせられる内容だった家族を60キロ離れた妻の実家に避難させた高野真至さんの話。子供達は4月から避難先のの学校に通いました。でも8月に入って妻が避難生活にGIVE UP。慣れない生活のストレスと子供達は兄弟毎日ゲンカ、生活に疲れてしまったんだと思います。昨年8月末に家族全員でこの南相馬で生きていくことを決め避難生活を終えました。
Translated by natsukio
It was my first time to talk to someone from within 20km from the reactors, and it was beyond my imagination. By listening to their stories, you can't tell them to evacuate so easily anymore.
This is a story from Shinji Takano, who evacuated his wife to 60km-away her parents' house.
His children started going to school close to their grand parents' house in April, but his wife couldn't stand staying there. The children constantly fought with each other and she simply got tired of this new forced uncomfortable life. They decided to live together with family and they came back to Minami Soma.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
natsukio natsukio