Bombsquad Golf was the place that invented and began the tour issue market years ago. So if you cannot trust my products based on the reputation and name alone, then I would not suggest buying from anyone, anywhere because we are 100% the most reputable well known place for tour equipment.
If anyone in Japan has said that the products which I have provided you are not authentic, I would love to know why they would say so. I work with several other clubmakers/ sellers around the world none of which I have ever had a single issue with.
So if there is anything that I can do to help, please let me know.
Bombsquad Golfは、もう何年も前にツアーイシュー市場を開発し開始した企業です。もし、その評判と企業名だけで私の商品を信頼して頂けないようでしたら、誰からもそしてどこからも何も購入されないことをお勧めします。と言うのも、私共は、ツアー用具においては100%最も信頼できる企業として知られているからです。