Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I am a Japanese who plans to start a cothing store in Japan. I am intereste...

Original Texts
私は日本人です。私は日本でアパレルの店を経営することを計画しています。私は貴方の店の商品に関心があり、今後、オンラインでの取引を希望しています。ホームページのInternatinal Ordersに、事前に銀行取引明細書が必要と記載がありますが、私が取引のある銀行は日本の銀行なので、日本語の銀行取引明細書になりますが、構わないのですか。不可ならば、銀行取引明細書に代わる方法はありますか。できるだけ早い返答を希望します。
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
I am Japanese and have been planning to open an apparel shop in Japan. I am very interested in your products and would like to do business with you online. On your website, it says you require a bank statement prior to a transaction. I only have an account with a Japanese bank and would you accept a bank statement in Japanese? If not, is there any alternative? I would appreciate if you could get back to me as you read this message. Thank you.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
28 minutes