先日、注文していた"New Tour Issue RBZ 9* Dot Tour Head"が届きました。ありがとう。
ところで"RBZ Tour Head"と"RBZ Non Tour Head"は何が違うのか教えてくれませんか?
あと"New Tour Issue TXXXX R11 Dot Head"の在庫はどれくらいありますか?
The other day the "New Tour Issue RBZ 9* Dot Tour Head" that I ordered arrived. Thank you.
By the way, could you tell me what's the difference between "RBZ Tour Head" and "RBZ Non Tour Head"?
Please let me know if it's a difference in performance or something like that.
Also, about how many "New Tour Issue TXXXX R11 Dot Head" do you have in stock?
I want to order from you next week so please tell me the number for every loft.