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[Translation from English to Japanese ] BlackBerry “It’s Not a Toy” Video Made to Wake Up its Management and Refocus ...

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BlackBerry “It’s Not a Toy” Video Made to Wake Up its Management and Refocus on Corporate

Last September I wrote a post titled “Can Blackberry Go From Enterprise to Consumer?” I argued both cases if they should try or not and if they did, could they succeed. At the time, my sense was that smartphones are so ubiquitous that the division between enterprise and consumer is fading so quickly that BlackBerry had to try transitioning and they did. But now it is quite obvious they failed and the RIM ship is heading for an iceberg as executives jump off. Sales and sentiment has gotten so bad, it has come to the point where RIM is considering selling the company. They have also been taken to court after being accused of infringing six patents on chips. Total worldwide sales for last quarter have dropped 25% and 57% in the U.S. alone since last year.

BlackBerry tried to battle it out with iPhone and Android but clearly does not consumer DNA to compete. I remember talking to a representative from BlackBerry in Barcelona at an after party at the Mobile World Congress and he kept trying to convince me that BlackBerry was going to succeed by giving consumers all the apps they could ever want. But I just felt little hope and thought he was a little delusional. Now after being smacked in the head by market reality, RIM is aiming to refocus on their roots in the corporate market and persuade loyal users (if any) that they can still deliver value.

With the aim of sending a clear message for RIM management to focus on the business consumer and do things right again, independent American film director, Pawel Pawelczak of Hand Hammered Films and admittedly heavy BlackBerry user has produced a commercial titled “It’s Not a Toy”. The independent commercial urges BlackBerry to realize that it is not a toy for fun but a serious tool for business people.
Pawelczak said “RIM’s announcement last Friday (March 30) that they’re shifting focus to corporate customers is a critical step in the right direction. They need to accept that BlackBerry users are a niche market. Instead of trying to have it both ways (i.e. “we’re like all the other smartphones, only better”), RIM should aggressively embrace what makes BlackBerry different, specifically: security, reliability, and integration with desktop office applications.”

Check out the video below but be aware you will need a vpn to watch it.
Translated by zhizi
ビデオ「おもちゃじゃない」が BlackBerry の経営陣を呼び覚まし、再びビジネス志向型へ

昨年の9月、「Blackberry はビジネス志向型から一般消費者志向へ転換できるか」と題した記事を書いた。その中で、Blackberryが事業転換をはかるべきかどうか、もし事業転換をした場合に成功するかどうかという2つのシナリオについて論じた。私は当時、世の中にスマートフォンが溢れ、ビジネス向けと一般消費者向けの境界線が急速になくなっているので、Blackberryは事業転換をするべきだと考えていた。そしてBlackberryは事業転換をした。だが、今では、Blackberryが明らかにその事業転換に失敗し、数人の役員が退社したことで、RIMという「船」は氷山へと向かって進んでいる。

BlackBerryはiPhoneやAndroidとの競争を試みたが、消費者向けデバイスと競争するためのDNAに欠けていることは明らかだ。バルセロナで開催された「Mobile World Congress」の親睦会で 、Blackberry の販売員が「BlackBerryは消費者が欲しい思うすべてのアプリを提供することで必ず成功する」と私を納得させようと必死だったのを思い出す。だが、私が期待感を抱くことはなく、その人が少し妄想を描いていると思った。

独立系アメリカ映画会社「Hand Hammered Films」の映画監督で自身も認めるBlackBerryのヘビーユーザーである Pawel Pawelczak 氏は、RIMの経営陣に対し、法人向けの市場に特化し再びきちんとしたビジネスをするようにとの明確なメッセージを送る目的で、「これはおもちゃじゃない」とタイトルのコマーシャルを作った。この自主制作のコマーシャルはBlackBerryに、BlackBerryの携帯がおもちゃではなくビジネスパーソン向けにつくられた本格的なツールであることを再確認させるものだ。
Pawelczak 氏は「先週金曜日(3月30日)にRIMが再び法人顧客に重点を置き直すと発表したことは、正しい方向への修正軌道において重要なステップだ。彼らはBlackBerryの市場がニッチであることを認めなければならない。両方を取り込もうとせず(つまり、『他のスマートフォンと似ているけど、BlackBerry の方がいい』というように)、RIMは具体的にBlackBerry の良さ − セキュリティー、信頼性、デスクトップPCのアプリケーションとの統合 − を積極的に受け入れるべきだ」と語っている。


Result of Translation in Conyac

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Translation Language
English → Japanese
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Translation Time
about 21 hours
zhizi zhizi