Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I used a machine for sujibori (outlining work) for the first five years since...

Original Texts
私はこの仕事に携わって五年間くらいは筋彫りはマシーンで彫り、色やボカシは手彫りと  使い分け仕事をしていましたが、ある機会に今のマシーンに出会い、さらに工夫、研究、改良を加え、今のマシーンを製作致しました、今では筋彫り、色、ボカシ全てマシーンで彫って居ります。少しでも皆様にマシーン彫りの良さが分かって頂ければ幸いと思っています。1953年神戸市生まれ1973年盛岡の刀剣研磨師、渡辺徹心に弟子入り入門する。1989年盛岡にて彫師を志す。1992年茨城に住居、仕事場を移転する。
Translated by scarlet
For this 5 years since I started this job, I had used machines to do line engraving. I did the coloring and shadings by hand. One day, I saw the machine. I updated, studied and improved it to make the machine I am using. Now I do all the engraving, coloring and shadings by that machine. I hope you can see even a little bit about the goodness of machine carving.

Born in 1953 in Kobe. Study at the master of polishing sword, Tesshin Watanabe.
1989 in Morioka, set his goal to be a master of engraving.
1992 moved his house and work place to Ibaraki

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 9 hours
scarlet scarlet