Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] I have just returned from the UPS store where I shopped the Linn Sondek to yo...

Original Texts
I have just returned from the UPS store where I shopped the Linn Sondek to you. I packed it very carefully, stuffed with material and bubble wrap and taped over and over into a sort of cocoon. Be careful when you unpack it for I wound protective bubble
wrap strips over and over the arm and cartridge. UPS is double boxing it
as fragile merchandise and I woefully undercharged for shipment. I charged
$70 and my UPS bill came to $174.43. So be it, my mistake.
The unit is scheduled to arrive around March 23 and the tracking number (Shipment
ID) is: MMEK6EHUFXGNH, The package must be signed for.
Translated by nobeldrsd
あなた宛てにLinn Sondek を出荷してUPSから戻ったところです。梱包材を入れ、エアパッキンで巻き、蚕の様にテープでグルグル巻きにし、とても丁寧に梱包しました。アームとカートリッジのまわりはエアパッキンで何度も何度も巻いてますので、梱包を解く際は気をつけてください。壊れやすい品物なので、UPSでは二重梱包で“取扱い注意”扱いになり、あなたには実際の送料よりも少なく請求してしまいました。あなたには$70で請求しましたが、UPSの請求は$173.43でした。私の間違いなのでそれは良いです。商品のお届は、3月23日頃の予定で、追跡番号(出荷ID)はMMEK6EHUFXGNHです。商品受領にサインが必要です。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 8 hours
nobeldrsd nobeldrsd