Then, I prepared to turn my room into my office.
I placed an order for a drum-type washer/dryer on Amazon.
I also ordered a long desk and a sturdy chair.
And a desk lamp.
However, I was not able to complete the transaction due to some issue with my credit card.
I will purchase coupons for Amazon at Lawson tomorrow and complete my transaction.
Tomorrow is weekend, but I will be working.
I need to finish so many reports to submit to the president since we have to close the balance sheet.
Composing these reports are not easy, because I have to come up with improvement plans also.
I made a preparation to make my room to be my office.
I placed an order for a drum-type washer-dryers.
I placed an order for a long desk and a chair, too.
I placed an order for a desk light.
But I could not pay for them by credit card.
Tomorrow I am going to pay for them by Amazon coupon.
I am off tomorrow but I am going to work.
Because it is in the account settlement month, I make lots of reports which I must submit to the president.
It is not easy to make a report because I must include some suggestions for improvement.