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[Translation from English to Japanese ] mig33 Eyes the Next Billion, Announces Partnership with 12 Asian Handset Bran...

Original Texts
mig33 Eyes the Next Billion, Announces Partnership with 12 Asian Handset Brands

Exclusive — While the growing smartphone market tends to get the most ink in recent years, its important to note that emerging markets represent an enormous opportunity for mobile companies as well. Thus far, Singapore-based mobile social network mig33 has been at the fore of capitalizing on that market, and today it solidified its claim emphatically. The company is informing us that it has signed agreements for its Android and Java mobile apps to be pre-installed on 12 Asian handset brands in India and Indonesia, which are listed below. According to mig33, these local brands are part of a huge Chinese-made handset ecosystem that moves more than a billion mobile [1] devices each year. The most recent figures indicate that there’s an exceedlingly long tail of handset makers which account for about 30 percent of the mobile market beyond the top ten mobile vendors [2]. mig33’s founder and CEO Steven Goh elaborated on what today’s announcement means for the company: " Today’s news is all about reach and opportunity. The next wave of mig33’s growth will come from the relationships we’re forging with Asian handset brands and, to an even greater extent, with the firms that develop the handset architecture. Just as mig33 went from zero to 50+ million members based primarily on our J2ME app, we expect to see exponential growth based on this emerging position as a ‘must have’ app for Android users all across emerging markets." When we last heard form mig33 a few weeks back, it had announced it’s new miniblog which it hopes can be “the centerpiece of mig33.” We understand that this will be integrated into mig33’s third-party games, chat, profiles, and avatars – which should bring a level of social previously not seen in these local mobile markets. So far mig33 has over 55 million registered members all over the world, and today’s announcement should help that figure grow even further.

1. Citing the “Global and China Mobile Phone Manufacture Industry Report,” 2010–2011 ↩

2. “Gartner Says Worldwide Smartphone Sales Soared in Fourth Quarter of 2011 With 47 Percent Growth” ↩

3. Olive Telecom was announced several months ago. ↩

Translated by cozy

独占記事 ― 近年スマートフォンマーケットの成長が大々的に報道されている中で、新興成長市場が携帯電話会社にとって巨大な潜在市場だということも忘れてはならない。シンガポールに拠点を置くモバイルソーシャルネットワーク「mig33」が市場において利益を出していることはこれまでにも注目を浴びていたが、同社が本日発表したところによると、インドやインドネシアなど以下に記載されているアジアの携帯電話会社12社の製品に、同社のAndroidアプリとJavaモバイルアプリをプリインストールして発売するという契約を交わしたことがわかった。
mig33によると、これらのローカルブランドは中国製の携帯電話の巨大なエコシステム(収益活動協調体制)に含まれており、毎年10億台以上の携帯デバイスを販売している。最新のデータによると、これらの携帯電話会社の「ロングテール」は非常に長く、モバイル市場のおよそ30%にも及び、上位10社をしのぐほどだという。mig33の創設者でCEOのSteven Gohは、本日の発表が同社にとって何を意味するのか、詳しく述べた。

※1 「Global and China Mobile Phone Manufacture Industry Report,” 2010–2011」より引用
※2 「Gartner Says Worldwide Smartphone Sales Soared in Fourth Quarter of 2011 With 47 Percent Growth」より引用
※3 Olive Telecomは数か月前に発表された。

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English → Japanese
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cozy cozy