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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Weishi, Tencent’s Video Messaging App, the Cross-Platform FaceTime Kik+Tal...

Original Texts
Weishi, Tencent’s Video Messaging App, the Cross-Platform FaceTime

Kik+Talkbox applications are hot in China. We said that one of the reasons people love to copy this idea is to beat Tencent (potentially). Leijun’s Miliao sounds promising, so Tencent fights back with its own Weixin. But, the fact is that you can not never under-estimate Tencent’s ability. Yesterday, Tencent announced Weishi, a Video messaging application.

Weishi is still at limited public test stage yet. But according to its official site, it comes with a few very interesting features: 1. Weishi is functioning like Kik and Talkbox, i.e. the social connection built on Weishi users is based their phone contacts. But besides text (not clear yet if it supports voice-only messaging), Weishi upgrade the idea to Video. It actually reminds of Seesmic at its early launch, Loic called it Video Twitter. Seesmic did not work out in the end, but with the Kik model, smart phone and 3G environment, the video chat sounds much more promising.

2. support both iOS and Android – Weishi is now available for iPhone, Android and Android Pad, the iPad version is coming soon. It is like Facetime, but will be cross-platform. 3. High-quality video chat – we could not test it out yet, but the official site says the high-quality video chat is guaranteed.

I would thumb up to Tencent this time. At least, it rarely to see Tencent market its product with the words the First-ever in China. Just can’t wait to try out Weishi.
Tencentのビデオメッセージアプリ "Weishi"はクロスプラットフォーム型のFaceTimeだ!


1. WeishiはKik and Talkboxの様に機能する。例えばWeishiユーザーnソーシャルなつながりは電話の連絡先情報に基づいている。しかし、Weishiはテキストに加え(まだ声だけのメッセージングをサポートしているかは明らかではないが)ビデオのアイディアをアップグレードした。初期のロンチではSeesmicを思い起こさせたが、Loicはビデオツイッターと呼んだ。Seesmicは最終的にはうまくいかなかったが、スマートフォンと3G環境に置けるKikのモデルではビデオチャットはより期待が出来そうだ。

2. iOSとAndroidの両方に対応ーWeishiはiPhoneとAndroidに現在対応しており、Android PadとIPadのバージョンも近日発表よていだ。それはまるでFacetimeのようだが、クロスプラットフォームになるだろう。
3. 高品質のビデオチャットー我々はまだテスト出来ていないが、公式サイトは高品質のビデオチャットが付いてくる事は保証されていると語った。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
cony_ac100002596339645 cony_ac100002596339645