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[Translation from English to Native Japanese ] Title:Photos of Yong Jun Hyung's Past Girlfriends Revealed Photos of BEAST...

Original Texts
Title:Photos of Yong Jun Hyung's Past Girlfriends Revealed

Photos of BEAST's Yong Jun Hyung's ex-girlfriends have been spreading throughout the web and is becoming quite a hot topic.

On January 24, an online community forum post contained these photos of Yong Jun Hyung and his ex-girlfriends from the past. In each photo, Yong Jun Hyung is seen affectionately posing with his ex-girlfriend. There is a picture with his arm around his ex-girlfriend as well as a photo with both of their faces pressed together as they held up a "V" sign.

Netizens are especially exclaiming about the ex-girlfriend's looks. Netizens commented, "I guess he only dated pretty girls," "They look so affectionate and close in each picture," "Does he have a lot of close girl friends, or did he have a lot of girlfriends?" "I wonder if Goo Hara is jealous," and much more.
Translated by lunam




Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
lunam lunam