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[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 74-1 At Microsoft Bill Gates created a voracious leaning machine. Learn...

Original Texts
PAGE 74-1
At Microsoft Bill Gates created a voracious leaning machine. Learning was a sign of a smart organization, Gates believed, one that is continuously improving its internal processes. It is also the best way to avoid becoming complacent, and the best protection against making mistakes. Many of his competitors were not so careful. By capitalizing on the errors of others, Gates prospered.

'Most of our success comes when we end up with a competitor who doesn't do things correctly - that's lucky. You're not supposed to work on a strategy that depends on other people's mistakes, but they've certainly made a lot', he observed.
Translated by sieva
マイクロソフトでビル・ゲイツが旺盛な学習マシンを創り出した。 学習はスマートな組織の兆候である、ゲイツが信じたのは、その内部プロセスを継続的に改善していくものだということだった。それはまた自己満足になることを避ける最善の方法であり、ミスを犯すことに対する最良の防御でもある。彼の競争相手の多くはそれほど慎重ではなかった。他人のミスを利用することにより、ゲイツは成功したのである。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
sieva sieva
芬語、仏語、英語、日本語。 米大学大学院国際政治。