Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 23-1 The launch of the IBM PC was initially a commercial success. But t...

Original Texts
PAGE 23-1
The launch of the IBM PC was initially a commercial success. But the company ended up giving away most of the profits from its PC business to its two partners. Under the initial contract between IBM and Microsoft, Big Blue agreed to fund most of the development costs of MS-DOS, but only Microsoft was allowed to license the system to third parties. This was the killer clause.
Translated by wktn
ページ 23-1
IBM PCの発売は、当初商業的な成功を収めた。しかし同社は、PC事業から得られる収益のほとんどを2社のパートナーに引き渡す結果となった。IBMとマイクロソフトの最初の契約において、ビッグブルーはMS-DOSの開発コストの大部分の資金を提供することに合意したが、サードパーティに対してシステムをライセンス供与することを許されたのはマイクロソフトだけだった。この殺し文句が後に明暗を分ける。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
12 minutes
wktn wktn