Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 15-1 9 Build a byte-sized business. Relative to its stock market valuat...

Original Texts
PAGE 15-1
9 Build a byte-sized business. Relative to its stock market valuation, Microsoft remained a comparatively small company. Internally, the company was constantly split ting into smaller units to maintain the optimal entrepreneurial team environment. At times, change was so rapid that Microsoft seemed to be creating new divisions on an almost weekly basis. Gates relied on maintaining a simple structure partly so that he could keep his grip on the company. Whenever he felt that lines of communication were becoming stretched or fuzzy, he had no hesitation in simplifying the structure.
[deleted user]
Translated by [deleted user]
PAGE 15-1
9: バイトサイズのビジネスを生み出す。株式市場での価値にくらべて、マイクロソフトは比較的小さい企業でありつづけた。内部では、最適な利益をあげやすいチーム環境を維持するために、継続的にものごとを小さい単位にわけていた。しばしば、変化はとてもはやくて、マイクロソフトがほぼ毎週、あたらしい部門を作っているように見えるときもあった。ゲイツは会社のコントロールを保つために、単純な構造を維持することにたよっていた。コミュニケーションの回路が伸びすぎているか、あいまいになっていると感じたらいつでも、彼は構造を単純化することになんのためらいもみせなかった。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour