Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] AwesomeShip Conquers Hong Kong Startup Weekend After running a couple of w...

Original Texts
The overall feedback is that the resulting prototypes and plans were very good quality, and it was difficult for the judges to come up with the outstanding winner.

The next Startup Weekend event will be in 3-6 months. We will be looking at potentially doing a Cantonese version to help reach out to the local community more (although, most participants this time were local Hong Kong Chinese already). If you are interested in the Hong Kong tech startup community, StartupsHK has weekly Startup Monday (#SUMHK) meetups at BootHK, and there are a variety of other events happening in what has turned into a very active and cohesive community in the last two years.
Translated by monagypsy

次のStartup Weekenイベントは、3-6カ月内に行われる。私達はよりローカルコミュニティーに(今回はほとんどの参加者が地元の香港系中国人であったけれど)到達することができるように、広東語バージョンを行う可能性を目論んでいる。もしあなたが香港のテックスタートアップコミュニティに興味があるなら、StartupHKはBootHKで毎週Startup Monday(#SUMHK)が行われている。そして、過去2年においてとてもアクティブで結合力のあるコミュニティーとなった様々な他のイベントがある。
Translated by kaory
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
monagypsy monagypsy
kaory kaory