Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Regarding the Conditions of the Tropical Country and the North Pole •Members...

Original Texts
- 成果が出ているメンバーは南国状態、つまりマイクロマネジメントがほぼ無い各自のやり方を全力で推奨するマネジメントを行います。逆に、成果が出ていないメンバーは北極状態、つまりマイクロマネジメントもあり得る頑張り方を間違えないためのマネジメントを行います。
Translated by bluejeans71
Regarding the Conditions of the Tropical Country and the North Pole
•Members with good results are those in the condition of the tropical country, who can manage distinctively without any micromanagement. On the other hand, members in that of the North Pole manage in circumstances where they will not make any mistake, including micromanagement.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
8 minutes
bluejeans71 bluejeans71
This is a Japanese freelance translator having a command of English.
(My Sp...