[Translation from English to Japanese ] Please note that product is listed as "BookBundles", which should be categor...

This requests contains 687 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( aquamarine , ka28310 , teditedu ) and was completed in 0 hours 11 minutes .

Requested by yamamuro at 09 Feb 2021 at 12:45 1479 views
Time left: Finished

Please note that product is listed as "BookBundles", which should be categorized to A_GEN_MIXED with 8% VAT rate instead of 0%.

Amazon will use its Tax Engine logic (as used for Amazon Retail today) to identify the correct rate of VAT to apply to the sale according to the product. The selling products will categorized in a much detail manners to match the applicable VAT rate.

If you are enrolled in VAT Calculation Services, Amazon will not use any product tax codes you have provided for this calculation. Your product tax codes will continue to be used for supplies where you are liable to account for the VAT due.

Please consult with your tax advisor to discuss these changes further.

商品は「BookBundles」と記載されていますが、これは A_GEN_MIXED に分類され、VAT率は0%ではなく8%となっています。

Amazonは、そのTax Engineロジック(現在のAmazon Retailで使用されているもの)を使用して、商品に応じて販売に適用されるVATの正しい税率を識別します。販売されている商品は、該当するVAT率に一致するように、非常に詳細に分類されます。




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