Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] We would like you to arrange them in your current stock so please let us purc...

Original Texts
価格がかわるのであれば、キャンセルでお願い致します。現在 大阪のお店が、安い価格で販売しております。また、どこのお客さんも在庫があるので、価格を上げて販売するのは難しいです。できるだけ、去年と同じ価格で販売するように努力しますが、他社が弊社より安い価格でオファーしている場合はご相談させて頂きます。どれくらいの発注をするとメーカーから割引がもらえるのでしょうか。
Translated by huihuimelon
We would like you to arrange them in your current stock so please let us purchase them at the selling price of this year.
We would rather cancel our order if the price will change. Currently they are being sold at a low price in Osaka. Also, the customers have them in stock at any stores so it would be difficult selling them at a higher price. We will do our best selling them at the same price as last year as much as we can but we would talk to you when we find other companies doing their offers at a lower price. How many orders will be required to get discount from the manufacturer?

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
7 minutes
huihuimelon huihuimelon
