Partnership Airbnb and Century 21: simplifying subletting for everyone
Any tenant or landlord whose contract has been entered into with Century 21 may apply for an Airbnb-friendly lease, which authorises subletting as part of a revenue share between the landlord, tenant and agency.
1.The tenant makes the request to Century 21, who gets the agreement of the owner.
2.The agency puts the listing on Airbnb and deals with any administrative procedures required.
3.The tenant manages the daily use of his listing: adding photos, adjusting prices, setting availabilities and welcoming guests.
AirbnbとCentury 21の業務提携:皆のための転貸の簡素化。
1. テナントはセンチュリー21に依頼し、センチュリー21はオーナーの同意を得ます。