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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Zynga To ‘Hire Aggressively’ For Its Bangalore Office We reported back in ...

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Zynga To ‘Hire Aggressively’ For Its Bangalore Office

We reported back in March about social game developer Zynga and its plans to double its Bangalore office staff from 100 to 200 employees. And today we’re hearing via an Economic Times report that the company has plans for more aggressive hiring at that location.

The report cites CTO Cadir Lee as saying that the company is bringing in more engineers and game designers. Lee added that “India is a strategic R&D center” for Zynga. The company also announced the global launch of Mafia Wars 2 this week, which sees the game debut in 16 languages on Facebook. Fans of the game in Asia will be pleased to hear the title is available in Indonesian, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Thai. Check out the promo video for Mafia Wards 2 below. Year-on-year profits for Zynga are down 95 percent, although Gamasutra says the company attributes this to no new games in the first half of the year, and increased spending on hiring, acquisitions, and international growth.

We asked Zynga more about its India plans this morning, but not surprisingly the company declined to comment because of its current ‘quiet period’ leading to its upcoming IPO.
Translated by zhizi


CTO(最高技術責任者)のCadir Lee氏はエコノミックタイムズで、Zyngaはエンジニアやゲームデザイナーを更に採用する予定だと述べており、「インドは(Zynga)の戦略的R&D(研究開発)センターだ」と付け加え述べた。
Zyngaは今週「Mafia Wars 2 」のグローバル公開についても発表し、同ゲームはフェイスブックで16か国語のサポートがされている。 アジアのファンも、このゲームがインドネシア語、トルコ語、中国語(繁体字)、韓国語、日本語、タイ語でプレイができると聞けば嬉しいだろう。「Mafia Wars 2 」のデモビデオをご覧になりたい方は下の動画で。


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
zhizi zhizi