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[Translation from Japanese to English ] Composed two discs and recorded three live performances in the live tours bei...

Original Texts
オジーの長い歴史の中で非常に評価の高いライブツアーをディスク2枚組みの3本立て収録!1982年の「SPEAK OF THE DEVIL(Guitar,Brad Gillis)」1984年の「BARK AT THE MOON(Guitar,Jake E Lee)」、1986年の「ULTIMATE OZZY(Guitar,Jake E Lee)」と、どれも80年代のHR全盛期ツアーからの映像です。ジェイクの映像は評価・希少度も高い映像なのでジャイクファンの方にも非常におすすめ! 
Translated by atsuko-s
Composed two discs and recorded three live performances in the live tours being very highly evaluated in the Ozzy's long history! There are "SPEAK OF THE DEVIL(Guitar, Brad Gillis)" in 1982, "BARK AT THE MOON(Guitar, Jake E Lee)" in 1984, and "ULTIMATE OZZY(Guitar, Jake E Lee)" in 1986. They are all movies from the tours of the golden age in 1980S. The movie of Jake is highly evaluated and rarity so that it is recommended to his fan.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
12 minutes
atsuko-s atsuko-s