Notice of Conyac Termination

Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Otabisho (a tourist office) term is established for a place where god rest an...

Original Texts
御旅所とは、例大祭「安産祭り」におい て神(一般には神体を乗せた神輿)が巡 幸の途中で休憩または宿泊する場所とし て設けられました。地元では「御霊屋(オ タマヤ)」の愛称で呼ばれることもあり ます。 例大祭 安産祭りでは、4日の宵祭 りに神輿が「本殿」からここ「御旅所」 へ向かい、翌5日の本祭りは「お旅所」 から「本殿」へ向かいます。

山中諏訪神社の奥宮は山中湖東岸に位 置する1291mの明神山(鉄砲木ノ頭)の頂 上、山中湖パノラマ台から30分ほど 登った地に鎮座しています。 古文書で は、往昔、明神山頂に小祠を祀るとあ り、これが現在の御所に鎮座する諏訪 神社奥宮とされています。 天保12年 (1841)、甲斐国都留郡平野村の名主で あった長田勝之進は、相模国小田原城 主の大久保加賀守と検地の際、甲斐国 の為に土地拡張を企画して、現存の明神 山頂より山北町の明神峠に奥宮を変遷 しました。後、神社関係者及び山中の 有志諸彦が、鎮座地の真相を認めて、現 在地に諏訪神社奥宮として再建されました。
9月 1日に例祭「奥宮祭」が執り行われてい ます。

Translated by fish2514
Otabisyo was established as the place where a god (generally, it is a portable shrine Mikoshi holding a sacred object) rests or stays on the way of Junko at the annual festival ”Anzan-matsuri”. Sometimes, it is called ”Otamaya” as the nickname at home. At the annual festival ”Anzan-matsuri”, a portable shrine Mikoshi goes to ”Otabisyo” from “Main shrine” on 4th of the evening festival, and goes to “Main shrine” from ”Otabisyo” at the main festival on 5th.

Okumiya of Yamanaka Suwa-shrine locates the top of Myojin-san (Teppougi no Atama)(1291m) which is on the eastern shore of Yamanaka-ko and the place climbing up from the Yamanaka-ko Panoramic board about 30 minutes.
The ancient document says that a small shrine was enshrined on the top of Myojin-san in the past, and it must be Suwa shrine-Okumiya which locates on the current Gosho. In Tenpo 12 (1841), Katsunosin Osada who was the village headman of Kai no-Kuni Tsuru-gun Hirano-mura planned the expansion of land for Kai no-Kuni and changed the location of Okumiya to Myojin-touge where is the north of the existing Myojin-san when the land survyings with Kaganokami Okubo who is the lord of Odawara-caslte in Sagamino-Kuni. After that, the relevant people of the shrine and volunteered men of the mountain accepted the story behind the story about the location and it was rebuilt on the present location as Suwa shrine-Okumiya.
An annual celebration”Okumiya-Sai” is held on September 1st every year.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
fish2514 fish2514
