遠方に見えるビルは初台の東京オペラシティー 竣工は1996年だから
The picture of black and white was taken in February 1995. It is Yamate-dori Tomigaya Intersection.
The building seen in the distance is Tokyo Opera City in Hatsudai. As it was completed in 1995, it was being constructed. The colored one was taken in June 2014. Under this road, Metropolitan Expressway Inner Circular Route runs, and the road became wider by vacating the houses and buildings on left of the road. The chimney at media strip is a ventilator of the expressway underground. As the road became wider and intersection moved a little, pedestrian overpass where a person who took a picture stood for taking the picture moved a little. As a result, the picture was taken at a place that is different from 19 years ago.