Notice of Conyac Termination

Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] My friend told me that she would like to have a tummy plate with girl's sign ...

Original Texts
友人は今、Koryが作ってくれているKeiに、女の子のお印がついたtummy plateが欲しいと言っている。今あるお腹プレートも、もちろん欲しい。追加料金をお支払いしますので、もう一つKeikoに合うサイズのtummy plate(Girl)を購入し、同じ肌の色でペイント後、Keiko人形と2個のお腹プレートと一緒に、日本まで発送してくれるのは可能でしょうか?もし、OKなら、金額をお知らせください。すぐにお支払いいたします!いつもあなたの丁寧なご対応に感謝申し上げます。
Translated by kimie
My friend said that he/she wants a tummy plate with a girl 's mark for Kei that Kory is making. Of course, I want the belly plate that is on now. By paying the extra charge, can I purchase another tummy plate (Girl) that fits to Keiko? After painting with the same skin color, is that possible to ask you to send it to Japan as the Keiko doll and 2 tummy plates as one package? If that's OK, please let us know the price. I will pay that immediately! I always appreciate your help. Thank you.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
6 minutes
kimie kimie
アメリカ在住の Kimie と申します。英⇔日(英検1級・TOEIC985)の翻訳に対応させて頂きます。