U-KISS Days in Japan vol.5
毎年リリースしているシリーズものDays in Japanの第5弾。
U-KISS Days in Japan vol.5
Days in Japan which they release every year, here is the 5th one!
Following their activities for 1 year 2015, off shots, and making which fans are waiting for.
内容のメイントークとしては、リリースものではアルバム『Action』、「Stay Gold」で稼働したメンバーの素の表情など、イベントものではバレンタインイベント、GWイベント、12月の稼働、そしてツアーの裏側やスヒョンのソロ活動からフンのソロファンミなどの映像を収録予定。
As the main talk, the members' real faces in the album "Action","Stay Gold"and some other events like Valentines Day event, GW event, and December's, and also the behind the tour and Suhyon's solo activities too.
Thinking back the videos with all the members in Kotatsu talking about it, that video is in it too!
Besides, this is the special DVD which Soohyun makes tsuke-men by himself and eats at "Tsuke-men TETSU" and Kisopu's solo video of the fan meeting are recorded.