THE LET'S GO's は日本のガールズバンドの中でも群を抜いて、キュートでッキャッチーなオールディーズを体現しているバンドだ。
アトランタで活動するThe Coathangersの日本ツアーのサポートや、ギターウルフと共に海外アーティストととの競演も増え、海外の皆様にも彼女たちの活動は確実に知れ渡ったているだろう。
2016年1月に久しぶりのニューアルバム「I HATE THE LET'S GO's」をリリースした彼女たち、今後はどんな進化を遂げるのか楽しみである。
Translation / English
- Posted at 26 Jan 2016 at 13:43
THE LET'S GO's is exceptionally an outstanding band that plays cute and interesting oldies among Japanese girls' bands.
Her names are already widely known to people and surely getting popular, because they supported The Coathangers' Japan tour, acting in Atlanta, and they had more opportunity to play with overseas artists along with Guitar Wolf.
In January, 2016, they released a new album, "I HATE THE LET'S GO's" after so long. We look forward to seeing how they evolve evermore.
tutorial_fukuda likes this translation
Her names are already widely known to people and surely getting popular, because they supported The Coathangers' Japan tour, acting in Atlanta, and they had more opportunity to play with overseas artists along with Guitar Wolf.
In January, 2016, they released a new album, "I HATE THE LET'S GO's" after so long. We look forward to seeing how they evolve evermore.
Translation / English
- Posted at 26 Jan 2016 at 14:19
THE LET'S GO's are way out in front of the Japanese girl bands. They represent the oldies with a cute and catchy way.
Supporting The Coathangers whom activities are based in Atlanta with their Japan tour, co-starring with Guitar wolf and other artists from overseas, have made people abroad aware of their activities.
They have released their new album "I HATE THE LET'S GO's" on January 2016, after a long time time since the last.
Lets look forward to how they become in the future.
tutorial_fukuda likes this translation
Supporting The Coathangers whom activities are based in Atlanta with their Japan tour, co-starring with Guitar wolf and other artists from overseas, have made people abroad aware of their activities.
They have released their new album "I HATE THE LET'S GO's" on January 2016, after a long time time since the last.
Lets look forward to how they become in the future.
2パラグラフ目、「海外の」が抜けました。"widely known to people" を "widely known to people living abroad" に訂正させてください。