If you purchase this product for just one piece, the shipping fee will be as written. But if you purchase more than 2 pieces or purchase any other product of mine. Shipping fee will have some special discount. Furthermore, B, the new product of A will be on sale in February too. If you interest in purchasing this product, you can pre-order it also.
Moreover, Thank you for contacting us that the product has sent to you safely, and we apologize for causing anxiety according to late shipping. We looking forward to your another purchase soon.
Best regards,
I already told you shipping fee if you buy this product in 1 unit, I can discount shipping fee if you buy two or more of it or other products I sell.
For your information, a new product B of A company will be released on February. I can arrange reservation for it if you are interested.
Thank you for your kind reply for its arrival of shipping I sent to you before. I would like to apologize for shipment delayed. We are looking forward to dealing with you again, thank you.
This item would be sent in a price as it mentioned if you purchase only one but in the case of getting more than two items or getting other items,delivery fee would be discounted.
And on Feburuary selling new item B of A company is on a plan. If you wish to, advanced sale will be available.
Thanks again for letting me hear your notice about the item is delivered alright. Apologies for the great delay that must have made you concerned. If everything's fine with this transaction after all, I am very happy to welcome you back again.
When you purchased just 1 of this, the shipping fee will be as presented, however, when you purchased more than 2, or with any other product of mine, I can discount the shipping fee.
Also in next February, a new product B of company A will be released. If you wish, you can make a reservation too.
Thank you very much for letting me know that the product has arrived safely. I apologize for the delay, and making you feel worried about it.
It would be a great pleasure I we could make another deal.