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[Translation from Japanese to English ] However, before posting this work, idea of "maintaining flower base water qua...

Original Texts


特に「フラワーベースに入れて水質を保つ」という用途に関するアイデアはこちらの作品による提案が最初ですので、高い貢献があると評価しました その後の5月15日、花と鳥と私の休息『レスティボン』が投稿されました。こちらは「抗菌効果できれいな水を保つ」というアイデアの上に、「花と戯れる鳥」という意匠性、さらに、「細い茎も自立させる」という機能性も付加することで、非常に完成度の高いご提案と考え採用しました






また、本作品以外についても製品化プロジェクトの発表をしてまいりますので、続報をお待ちください 賞金の5万円については作品として完成度が高かったfujimomo様にお支払いすることとなりますが、「先にアイデアを出したユーザー様が損をする」ということがないように、売上のロイヤリティについては製品の貢献比率を設定し、それに応じてお支払いさせていただきます










ご意見やご感想などございましたらコメントいただけますと幸いです PLANT'S JEWEL立ち上げ & イベント販売のお知らせ


TRINUS上で生まれたこの商品コンセプトをベースに、植物を装飾する「植物のためのジュエリー」というコンセプトで「PLANT'S JEWEL」というブランド名にて製品化を目指すことといたしました。


そしてこの度、新しくクリエイティブなジュエリーを一般のお客様に向けて紹介する展示販売会「New Jewelry2015」にて、これまで開発してきた試作品のお披露目及びテスト販売を行います。
普段のNew Jewelryはジュエリー販売が中心ですが、今回は年を締めくくる最大規模のイベントとなっており、雑貨や飲食店含め総勢100組の出展が予定されています。「PLANT'S JEWEL」は雑貨コーナーにてブースを出展します

New Jewelryの年内最大のお祭りに是非いらしてください!

昨日から「New Jewelry 2015」の雑貨コーナーにてブース出展しています。



Translated by transcontinents
However, before posting this work, idea of "maintaining flower base water quality" had been posted many times and as these are considered to have contributed to work posted by fujimoto, we decided to acknowledge contribution of these. Below is how we think about it.

Japanese medaka which maintains water quality
On March 11th, slitary posted work called "Japanese medaka which maintains water quality".

Especially about the idea of purpose "maintaining water quality in flower base", this was the first proposal so we evaluated it to have high contribution.
After that on May 15th, flower, bird and my rest "Restibon" was posted. This is based on the idea "antibacterial activity to maintain clean water" and added to that design quality "bird playing with flower" and functionality of "letting thin stems stand independently" were considered as high level of perfection, thus we adopted it.

Furthermore, after that 1859_design posted "product to get closer to relationship with flower".

It had unique features of "can be bent by hands" and "it can be used to bundle flowers at the time of purchase".
Although posted after Rstibon, the idea was effective for commercializing Restibon so our judgement was that it contributed.

Like the above examples, the advantage of shared creation platform is to share collective knowledge of users to "post further brushed up ideas using already posted ideas".

We will keep updating commercialized product projects on this page, so please check it.

Also, besides this work we will announce commercializing projects, please wait for more updates.
50,000 JPY award will be paid to fujimoto whose work had high level of completion, but to prevent "users who submitted idea first from losing", we will set contribution ratio to sales royalty and make payment accordingly.

In order to make the product more attractive, fujimoto proposed brushed up design proposal.

Including manufacturing and cost, we would like to proceed planning.

Multi-layerization of hummingbird feather
Only feathers stand like Origami, to make an impression of flapping wing more realistic and cute.

Also, not just design but it also tangles flower to make it more stable.

Image is the trial by paper. The wing opens lightly.


Added to original 40cm diameter for mid to large containers, 20cm size for small container like glasses is available.

Furthermore, we received proposal of gold plate version.

How was that?
We appreciate your feedback and comments.
Establishment of PLANT'S JEWEL and sales event

Placing antibacterial processed metal on flower base, the product has functionality to reduces bacteria in water to prolong life of plants and design to make it more luxurious and beautiful.

Based on the concept of this item created in TRINUS, our aim is to commercialize it as "PLANT'S JEWEL" brand based on a concept to decorate plants "Jewelries for plants".
Also, added to posted works with hummingbird motif, in order to expand product lineup as a brand we asked jewelry designer who usually create jewelries to decorate people to make form design to develop this idea, and we are working on developing trial pieces.

And now, we will disclose and sell trial pieces we have been developing at "New Jewelry 2015", and exhibition and sales event to introduce new and creative jewelries to the public.
In general, New Jewelry focuses on selling jewelries, but for this year it is the biggest event to close this year and total of 100 shops including general merchandise and food stands will join it. "PLANT'S JEWEL" will have a stand at general merchandise section.

Please visit the biggest event of year end New Jewelry!
*We heard snacks and drinks are available, so anyone can feel free to join it.

Also, Mr. Hiroyuki Oka, a notable florist will decorate flowers at the stand.
Since yesterday, we are selling at the stand in general merchandise section of "New Jewelry 2015".

Advance sales includes hummingbird motif works posted by fujimoto on our website, and products which form was designed by jewelry designer based on same product concept. Total 6 items are available for purchase.

Our stand is composed of Japanese technology, designer's imagination, florist's direction and more than anything versatile creativity of online shared creation.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
40 minutes
transcontinents transcontinents

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