I really love this bag and am in college and can't afford the new one. I'm working extra work shifts just so I can purchase this. I know that it's not your problem but can we please make a payment arrangement, or lower the price, or give me more time until I can make the money, or something. Thank you for your consideration. I truly appreciate it.
Hi, you had 2 Contax 645 cameras for sale, only see 1 now. What happen to the second one? It does not look like it sold, am looking to purchase two of them, please get back to me about this.
Thank you
こんにちは。あなたは2台のContax 645のカメラをお持ちでしたが、今は1台しか見えません。2台目はどうなりましたか?売れたようには見えませんが、私は2大とも買いたいと思っています。この件についてご返答お願いします。よろしくお願いします。