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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Y Combinator-backed Shotput helps fulfill product orders at a price that work...

Original Texts
Y Combinator-backed Shotput helps fulfill product orders at a price that works for startups

Did you know that there are nearly 90,000 successfully funded projects on Kickstarter? Each of these projects has reached out to the public, raised the capital they needed, and achieved their dreams — well almost. The next thing that each of these companies will have to do is make sure the promised product gets shipped out on time. But that can get pretty expensive, especially with the current choices companies face. Companies that need fulfillment assistance can go to Shotput’s website, enter in their product information–including the weight, size, and amount–and the service will tell you the cost. It’s pay as you go, so there’s no long-term contract. Steinberg claims that his service is better than a typical warehouse as the latter may give you a quote, but once your product arrives, that rate could change and end up costing you more.
Translated by a_ayumi
Y Combinatorが支援するShotputがスタートアップに好都合な価格で製品注文を実現させるのに一役買う

Kickstarter上で資金提供を受けることに成功したプロジェクトは、9万件近くあることをご存じだろうか? これら各プロジェクトは大衆に働きかけ、必要な資金を獲得して、その夢を実現させている。全てというわけではないが。これら各企業が次にすべきことは、約束された製品を確実にスケジュール通りに出荷することだ。だが、それには非常に費用がかかる。企業が知る選択肢から選ぼうとすれば、なおさらだ。
Translated by albanana
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 9 hours
a_ayumi a_ayumi
albanana albanana
dantharaldson dantharaldson