Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Below is the tracking information for the missing parts from Gold Star Tool...

Original Texts

Below is the tracking information for the missing parts from Gold Star Tools. They were sent today. I asked her to send me the revised invoice without the tax for processing, but she only sent me a zero dollar invoice for the missing parts, at this point. I’ll reach out to her again and see if we can get it squared away. Can you please forward the tracking information on to Japan?
Translated by greene
下記が未発送だったGold Star Toolsの部品のトラッキング情報になります。本日発送致しました。彼女に請求書を税抜きに修正のうえ送って頂くようお願いしたのですが、未発送だった部品に対する請求書は無償のものしか送って頂けておりません。彼女にもう一度コンタクトして、修正できるか相談致します。このトラッキング情報を日本に転送頂けますでしょうか?

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
11 minutes
greene greene