Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] That's some advice I'd pass on to any budding entrepreneurs – make sure you p...

Original Texts
That's some advice I'd pass on to any budding entrepreneurs – make sure you protect yourself with manufacturing agreements and intellectual property protection.
The problem of people setting up companies and websites for fake goods has got worse over the past six months. True Religion and Mulberry do a lot of work in this space and have been really helpful to me to help shut down cyber crime.
After the Google advert I was contacted by loads of people who were inspired to set up their own business – I really like the element of being able to encourage others, so maybe I'll look to do more of that.

Translated by transcontinents
Tre ReligionとMulberryはこういったスペースに多くの労力をつぎ込んでいて、サイバー犯罪の防止に相当役立った。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
24 minutes
transcontinents transcontinents

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