日本テレビ「MIDNITEテレビシリーズ」のエンディングテーマにニュー・アルバムより「WALK OF MY LIFE」が決定!
3月3日(火)よりオンエアの日本テレビ「MIDNITEテレビシリーズ」のエンディングテーマにニュー・アルバムより「WALK OF MY LIFE」が決定しました!
It was decided that "WALK OF MY LIFE" from the new album will be the ending theme song of NTV "MIDNITE TV series", that will be on-air from March 3 (Tue)!
MIDNITEテレビシリーズ「ARROW/アロー シーズン1」
Nihon TV (local Kanto area)
MIDNITE TV Series "ARROW/ Arrow Season1"
Every Tuesday 1:59 a.m. on air
* The broadcast time might be subject to change. Also can be paused under organization circumstances.
Program website: http://www.ntv.co.jp/arrow/
NTV (Kanto Local)
MIDNITE TV series "ARROW / Arrow Season 1"
On-air at 25:59 on every Tuesday night
*The broadcast time might be changed. Sometimes it might be halted due to the circumstance of programming.
Program HP: http: //www.ntv.co.jp/arrow/
NTV (Kanto Local)
MIDNITE TV series "ARROW / Arrow Season 1"
It will be on aired on every Tuesday from 1:59 am at midnight.
※The broadcast time might be changed for certain reasons.
Also, it might be stopped for the editing.
Program HP: http: //www.ntv.co.jp/arrow/