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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Practo gets an injection of $30M from Sequoia, Matrix for expansion to 41 mor...

Original Texts
Healthcare in India is crying out for tech solutions. The country already has one of the poorest doctor-patient ratios and the population is increasing at a faster rate than the number of doctors. Not surprisingly, a number of portals have come up with different ways of tackling the problem of connecting patients with the right doctors.

In Bangalore itself, another doctor search portal Qikwell raised series A funding just over three months ago from SAIF Partners. It has gained traction quickly with the promise of getting confirmed appointments with doctors who have busy schedules.
Translated by nobeldrsd

バンガロールでも、別の医師検索ポータルのQikwellがシリーズA資金をちょうど3ヶ月程前にSAIF Partnersから調達している。スケジュールの厳しい医師の予約が確実に取れる事で、急速に支持が広がっている。
Translated by takuyao
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 9 hours
nobeldrsd nobeldrsd
takuyao takuyao
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