Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Hi A, it's my honor to have a chance to work with you again from the last pro...

Original Texts
Aさん、前回の番組から1年あまり、またこのような機会を与えていただいて身に余る光栄です。今日はよろしくお願いします。それではライブにうつる前に、私からいくつか今回のリリースに関して伺います / 質問1:まずはアルバムの発売おめでとうございます!海外のお客様からも続々と喜びのコメントが寄せられていますが、作品をリリースされた今のお気持ちはいかがでしょうか? /質問2:バンドCのメンバーで現DのEさんの参加が話題となりました。今回の共演に至った経緯を教えていただけますでしょうか?
Translated by conniechappell
Mr A, I am so honoured to have an opportunity like this, it has been 1 year since the last program. Nice to meet you again. Then, before moving onto the live show, I would like to ask you a couple of questions on the release this time: Question1. First of all, congratulations on the release of the new album! There has been many joyful comments from the fans overseas. How are you feeling right now about the release of the new work? Question 2. E who used to be a member of the band C and is currently a member of D joined you, and it became the topic of conversation. Could you tell us how it happened?

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
28 minutes
conniechappell conniechappell