ひらがなも前回よりも上手になってますね。まだ少し「さ」と「ゆ」の字が少し気になる程度で、それ以外は一般的な日本人と同じレベルに達していると思います。もしかしたら私よりも上手かも :D
I'm surprised how quickly you are learning Japanese.
I think your Katakana is so neat I can hardly point out flaw.
Hiragana is also improving compared to the last time. Still a bit improvement needed for "さ" and "ゆ" but other than that your level reached to the one of general Japanese person. Might be even better than mine :D
Please do challenge Kanji next time.
I still have not been able to understand that sentence, but I think I'll try translating using dictionary.