Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] The item I have returned to you was returned from your country to my local po...

Original Texts
私からあなたへ返送したアイテムが、あなたの国から私の地元郵便局へ戻ってきた。shipping labelには以前あなたへ確認したとおりの住所、名前を印字している。つまり、宛先の住所に間違いはなく、あなたへアイテムは配達されたはずである。しかし、何故か私の国に戻ってきた。あなたが受け取りを拒否したのですか?あなたは事前に返品を了承したはずなのに、何故拒否したのですか?
Translated by spdr
The item I returned to you was sent back to my local post office from a post office in your country. The address and recipient name printed on the shipping label were exactly that of you told me. The item should have been delivered to you since the address and recipient name were correct, but it is returned to my country for some reason. Have you refuse to receive the item? If so, why have you refuse it though you accepted the return in advance.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
5 minutes
spdr spdr