Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] (Corporation) Japan Tourism Association, (one company) Japan Association of ...

Original Texts

3組織連携の要因として、ツーリズムEXPOジャパンとVISIT JAPANトラベルマート、VISIT JAPAN MICEマートの同時開催がある。

Translated by yoppo1026
(Corporation) Japan Tourism Association, (one company) Japan Association of Travel Agents, and Japan Tourism Board concluded a partnership agreement in order to contribute more positively toward the realization of the tourism nation.

As a factor of cooperation of three organizations, Tourism EXPO Japan, VISIT JAPAN Travel Mart and VISIT JAPAN MICE Mart are held at the same time.

For the expansion of tourism exchange in the two directions of inbound and outbound, and the activation of local tourism including domestic tourism, they will strengthen the cooperation with local governments, wide area tourism organizations and private companies that are trying a promotion in a wide area.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
25 minutes
yoppo1026 yoppo1026