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[Translation from English to Native Portuguese (Brazil) ] Your married a Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie look-a-like — so what? Hot yoga do...

Original Texts
Your married a Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie look-a-like — so what? Hot yoga does wonders for burning all that jealousy.

Yoga is a great way to help you live in the moment; it forces you to accept the present, no matter how harsh it might appear to be. It opens up the mind and heart to be able to receive more energy and provides perspective, which helps for coping with tough breakups.

So, rather than trying to react aggressively and revengefully, yoga helps with learning to accept and let things go.
Translated by leobulhoes
Se casou com alguém parecido com Brad Pitt ou Angelina Jolie - e daí? Ioga forte faz maravilhas para queimar todo esse ciúme.

Yoga é uma ótima maneira de ajudá-lo a viver o momento; ele o obriga a aceitar o presente, não importa o quão duro pareça ser. Ela abre a mente e o coração para ser capaz de receber mais energia e fornece perspectiva, o que ajuda para lidar com rompimentos difíceis.

Então, ao invés de tentar reagir de forma agressiva e vingativa, o yoga ajuda a aprender a aceitar e deixar as coisas correrem.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Portuguese (Brazil)
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 7 hours
leobulhoes leobulhoes
I`m Leonardo Bulhoes, working as software developer. I really enjoy to learn ...