もし、今の調子で濃度が上昇すると、これらの観測所でのCO2の年間平均値が400ppmを超えそうなのは、来年の4月頃だろうと思われる(厳密にはそれが確定するのは、半年後の秋になるはずである。4月はいわば選挙の “当確” が出る時期というところ)。ハワイでは少し濃度が低いので、その半年後の秋あたり、そして、南半球の濃度は北半球に1〜2年遅れで追随してくるので、再来年の終わり頃になると400ppmを迎えるだろう。
If the density increases at this time of rate,the exceeding of 400ppm of CO2's yearly average rate of this observatories will likely be on april next year(Strictly the confirmation of that must probably be on the coming fall half a year from now.April is as we say the coming out season of election's "candidate"). The density in hawaii is a little bit low so the fall on half a year and the 1 to 2 years delay of the density of southern hemisphere to northern hemisphere will take after so by the end of the year after next year, it will probably be 400ppm.
If the concentration increases at this rate, the annual average value of CO2 in the observatory is likely to exceed 400ppm around April of next year.
(strictly speaking, it should be the coming fall after six months later that it is fixed. April is the time when the so-called shoo-in is determined.)
Because the concentration in Hawaii is little low and the concentration in the Southern Hemisphere follows in a delay of one to two years in the Northern Hemisphere, it would exceed 400ppm around the end of the year after next.
If, density rises in this way, it seems that average of year exceeds 400ppm in these obervatories is in next April .(Strictly speaking, it will determinable in next autumn. In April is time that as it were "be sure" in an election.) In Hawaii, density is less than another, so after next autumun, and in the Southern Hemisphere's density is follow to Northen Hemisphere by 1 to 2 year, so density will exceed 400ppm the year after next.