Thank you for replying to my e-mail.
I am interested in all your products but I first want to handle the bags.
I am now running what is still a small business and I do not have a lot of funds so I want to start by stocking about 4 kinds of bags and sell them at the Japanese market.
Unique products are more likely to become popular in Japan but they end up not sticking around for the long term. I have seen such products many times.
Therefore, I wouldn't resort to a short-term strategy. I will continue to gather more awareness in Japan by creating a site of LO and providing information to major magazines and stores.
I'd like to continuously develop dealers while building such a robust foundation.
I'm glad to know your idea of growing together.
I will treasure the great products of your creation, and make them beloved in Japan for a long time.
Could you tell me the wholesale price you offer to your suppliers?