The company may dismiss the Employee without notice or payment due to the Employee
in relation to the employment;-
a)Willfully disobeys a lawful and reasonable order;
b)Commits misconduct such misconduct being in consistent with the due and faithfully
discharge of his/her duties;
c)Habitually neglectful in his/her duties;
d)Guilty of fraud or dishonesty;
e)Unfit for further service as certified by doctor.
the Company may terminate the employment immediately if it judges this to
be necessary to protect its business or its good name and the Employee shall be
entitled to compensation and benefits up to the date of termination only・
n Witness whereof, the undersigned have executed this Agreement:
a) 本従業員が合法的で妥当な命令に対して悪意を持って従わなかった場合;
b) 本従業員が行うべき義務を遂行することに矛盾する不正行為を行った場合;
c) 本従業員の義務の遂行において習慣的に怠慢であった場合;
d) 不正を行ったまたは不誠実であると断定された場合;
e) 意思によりそれ以上仕事を続けることが望ましくないと認められた場合。
(訳注:b)のin consistentは文脈からしてinconsistentと解釈しました)