Throughout the screening, I felt swaddled in love and compassion—not just from my family but from the entire audience. Around me I could hear people sobbing one minute and bursting with laughter the next as Roger's life, warts and all, unfolded before us. Our hearts filled and our chests rose and fell in unison.
When Roger and I made the decision to allow Kartemquin Films unfettered access, we knew there were aspects of our daily lives that wouldn't be pretty to show.
Lorsque Roger et moi avons décidé de permettre à Kartemquin Films l'libre accès, nous savions qu'il y avait des aspects de notre vie quotidienne qui ne seraient pas jolis pour montrer.
Lorsque Roger et moi avons pris la décision d’accorder à Kartemquin Films un libre accès, nous savions qu’il y avait des aspects de notre vie quotidienne qui ne seraient pas joli à montrer.
But that's the way Roger wanted it. In fact, one thing I was not on board with Steve filming was Roger's throat being suctioned, a raw and intimate process he underwent several times a day. So Roger had him shoot it when I wasn't around. In the movie, it's apparent how pleased Roger was with himself for having pulled it off, giving a thumbs-up to the camera. That made me chuckle.