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[Translation from Japanese to English ] Title:BiyoUp Explanation of game In the peaceful suburbs of Kanto Biyo w...

Original Texts
タイトル名: ぴよあっぷ


ルールはカンタン。ふわ〜っと次々落ちてくる“ぴよ”をタップ! より空高くまで飛ばして新記録を目指そう!! “ぴよ”が一匹でも地面に落ちてしまったらゲームオーバーだよ。たまに出てくるアイテムをゲットすると、数秒間お助け効果が発動して大逆転! 巨大な“でかぴよ”はタップ連打してふっ飛ばせ!
Game CenterやLINEの友だちと遊ぶと、楽しさUP! ゲーム中に友だちのアイコンと最高距離が表示されて、ランキングを競ったりできるよ。

Translated by oolongtee
Title: PIYO-UP

Introduction to this game;
At a city area at a suburbs of the metropolitan area of Tokyo...,
PIYO falls suddenly!
What's going on PIYO?
Tap "PIYO" to break through the atmosphere.

-How to play
The rules are simple. Tap "PIYO" fulffily falling one after another. Let PIYO fly as high as possible to make a new record. Game will be over when even a PIYO falls on the ground. You can come from behind with helping effect while a few second when you catch items which come occasionally. "DEKA-PIYO" of huge PIYO shall be smashed with tapping repeatedly.
-Play with your friends!
Your friends in LINE or GAME CENTER makes you more fun! You can compete for the ranking of the maximum flying height which displayed with the icons of your friends during gaming.

-Regarding with heart
Heart is necessary to play the game and it's recovered for a regular time one by one. "PIYO-UP" can be played free of charge until its end, however, you can buy the hearts as a charged item when the hearts are not enough to play this game. Please invalidate of a function of charging to inside-application from the setting of your device when you want to switch off this function.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
oolongtee oolongtee